Dhamaur, India
My birth place lovely village ..adarsh village
It is located near Ranighat Nearest Railway Station is Deoria sadar
A village closeby Deoria city having primary school
This is a very good village
Dhamur Parsuram is a village situated in Deoria district of Uttar-Pradesh which falls in India. The geographical coordinates i.e. latitude and longitude of Dhamur Parsuram is 26.23 and 83.42 respectively. IST(Indian Standard Time) followed in Dhamur Parsuram is located in the UTC time zone 5:30. The currency code for Indian rupee is INR. The currency used in Dhamur Parsuram is Indian rupee.
Government collage but not bad
It is good to visit a temple here
The best companies in the category 'Deli'